this temporary sacrifice

I lump the almond-pecan-coconut-brazil-flax-chia-macademia-sea salt nut butter concoction onto toast, waiting for the sun to come up. Trying not to feel irritated that I even need to eat. Which is silly but it’s interrupting my flow.

The shadow of my glass of water. The cats leaping and running and chasing each other.

Imagine if I got in my car and drove to the beach and took pictures, before work. I probably won’t. I do whatever it takes to conserve energy. There are goals.

These goals are getting tiring. I only need to hang in there for a bit longer, to achieve them. But in the meantime, I miss waking up early to write, to draw, to glue… I miss the late afternoons, out at dusk taking pictures of the light, the colors, the shadows, the lines and the shapes…


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